Making the Most of ADS-B in General Aviation - an Australian example

Former AOPA Australia president talks ADS-B benefits for General Aviation
At the recent 2018 New Southern Sky Conference, Andrew Andersen, former president of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) Australia and GA pilot, shared his experiences using Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) in Australia.
Australia was an early adopter of ADS-B capability and have been realising the safety, environmental, economic and social benefits for nearly a decade.
We have captured Andrew's presentation and spliced it together with his slides. Watch and listen to Andrew describe his own experiences including a unique insight into the benefits ADS-B can provide GA pilots. Some of the key benefits to GA discussed in Andrew's presentation include:
- Better coverage than radar - more flights, more time, VFR or IFR
- Reduction in IFR (and some VFR) position reporting - both inside and outside controlled airspace; less radio congestion
- Less dependence on procedural separation - greater capacity; fewer delays
- More efficient routing - time and fuel savings
- Reduced cost of infrastructure and services - indirectly benefits participants
- Emergency capability - unambiguous identification and position
- Pathway to future service capability - airspace, routes, ADS-B IN
Take a look at Andrew's presentation. If you have any questions regarding ADS-B and its implementation here in New Zealand, please send these to Alternatively, see the Surveillance section on this website for more information.
Andrew Andersen
- Andrew Andersen is an instrument-rated private pilot from Sydney, Australia, where he is an information technology consultant.
- He has been flying since 1979, and an aircraft owner since 1989.
- His current aeroplane, a Cessna 182S, is ADS-B and PBN equipped.
- His GA flying, for business and pleasure, has taken him across much of the United States, all over Australia, and more recently to, from and within New Zealand.
- A passionate advocate for general aviation, he was President of AOPA Australia and Vice-President Pacific Region of IAOPA in 2012-13.
- For the last decade he has participated in the Australian Strategic Air Traffic Management Group (ASTRA), in roles including Deputy Chair of the Surveillance Technology Working Group, and member of PBN and Safety Efficiency and Technology Working Groups, and is the author of several industry technical papers and aviation magazine articles.