Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) Benefits Prove Hard to Ignore

New Southern Sky Study Suggests Big Benefits to be Realised by A-CDM
A study commissioned by NSS has produced some encouraging information on the benefits that may be harvested from the deployment of Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) at major NZ Airports. The study suggests that more than double the benefits being delivered by PBN nationally may be available from A-CDM.
Scott Earley, the NSS Programme Coordinator who managed the study, reports that the aim and objectives were to identify both metrics and benefits to allow the benefits of airport investment in A-CDM to be realised at a national level.
Scott also pointed out that the study was academic in nature and that real world considerations would naturally influence outcomes. ‘Nevertheless’ said Scott ‘we have briefed Airways, BARNZ, AIAL, WIAL and the NSS Working Group. All agree that the potential benefits are significant and are there to be harvested’.
The full report is available here for download: A-CDM Benefits and Metrics Report.
Should you have any questions on the study and its implications, please do not hesitate to contact the NSS team. Moreover, if you think it would be useful to have the NSS team brief you on the study and how it can benefit aviation stakeholders, please contact us to arrange a presentation.