15 Aug 2018 MILESTONE ACHIEVED: Rules and Guidance for ADS-B OUT in the NZFIR

Major Milestone Achieved

The first major regulatory milestone has been reached in the last month with the signing of the Rule, Notice and publishing of the AC with regard to ADS-B above FL245. The Future Surveillance project team has worked extremely hard to get this across the line and should be congratulated! So well done!

The recent timeline of events shows the achievements of the last month or so:

      • 15 June 2018 - ADS-B Rules signed by the Associate Minister of Transport  
      • 20 July 2018 - ADS-B Notice signed by the Acting Director CAA
      • 24 July 2018 - ADS-B Advisory Circular Published 

The following documents will take you to the various links on the CAA website relating to this ADS-B Rule change. 

ADS-B Notice


Signed by Acting Director Civil Aviation Authority, John Kay, on 20 July 2018. The Notice of Requirement contain information on the technical standards for ADS-B.

ADS-B Advisory Circular


Advisory Circular AC91-24 Published on the 24th Jul 2018. The AC 

Moving to ADS-B OUT

Info for the NZ FIR

Further information can be found in the following document 'Moving to ADS-B OUT - Information for aircraft owners and operators flying in the New Zealand flight information region'. 

If you have any questions regarding any of releases relating to ADS-B please send these to

Rules that have Changed  

While most of the technical information required to plan your transition to ADS-B is in the above documents, the specific rule changes affected by this include the following:

Part 1

Amendment 54

Definitions and Abbreviations

Part 43

Amendment 15

 General Maintenance Rules

Part 66

Amendment 6

Aircraft Maintenance Personnel Licensing

Part 91

Amendment 30

General Operating and Flight Rules

Part 103

Amendment 8

Microlight Aircraft Operating Rules

Part 172

Amendment 13

Air Traffic Service Organisations Certifications

Additionally, the Future Surveillance project team have created several other supporting documents to assist with your search for the right information. You can follow the links below or have a look in the Resources Section of this website to see the full range of publications and resources available to you.

Frequently Asked Questions  

The following document is culmination of frequently asked questions and answers relating to the changes ADS-B have introduced.  This document includes information for foreign operators (Part 129) wanting to know how the new Rules affect them.

Frequently Asked Questions

August 2018

FAQs to help answer any burning questions you might have about the transition to ADS-B.